Silica Heat Optimal tækni – einstök samsetning kísilgúmmíefnasambanda í slitlagi veitir mjög gott grip í heitum og mikilli rigningu og einnig mikla slitþol.
Styrkt miðrifin veitir mjög góða veghaldsgetu, mikla stjórnhæfni og öruggan akstur á miklum hraða.
Multi-radial slitlagsmynstur með fínstilltum snertiplástri tryggir hámarks grip, jafnt slit á slitlagi og meiri mílufjöldi.
Hliðarvörn á sameindastigi
Einstök samsetning af gúmmíblöndu (kolsvart með mikilli uppbyggingu ásamt Santoflex 6 PPD – óson- og veðuröldrun verndarhópur) veitir vernd gegn hliðaráföllum og skurðum, en viðhalda sveigjanleika hliðarveggsins.
Silica Heat Optimal technology – a unique composition of silica rubber compounds in tread provides very good grip in hot and heavy rain conditions and also high wear resistance.
Reinforced central rib provides very good road-holding ability, high maneuverability and safe driving at high speeds.
Multi-radial tread pattern with an optimized contact patch ensures maximum grip, even tread wear and higher mileage.
Sidewall protection at molecular level
Unique composition of rubber compound (high-structural carbon black combined with Santoflex 6 PPD – ozone and weather ageing protective group) provides protection against side impacts and cuts, while maintaining flexibility of the sidewall.